
With the increasing development of the industrial Internet, network security has attracted more and more attention. Among the numerous network security technologies, anomaly detection technology based on network traffic has become an important research field. At present, a large number of methods for network anomaly detection have been proposed. Most of the better performance detection methods are based on supervised machine learning algorithms, which require a large number of labelled data for model training. However, in a real network, it is impossible to manually filter and label large-scale traffic data. Network administrators can only use unsupervised machine learning algorithms for actual detection, and the detection effects are much worse than supervised learning algorithms. To improve the accuracy of the unsupervised detection methods, this study proposes a network anomaly detection model based on multiple classifier fusion technology, which applies different fusion techniques (such as Majority Vote, Weighted Majority Vote, and Naive Bayes) to fuse the detection results of the five best performing unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms. Comparative experiments are carried out on three public datasets. Experimental results show that, in terms of RECALL and AUC score, the fusion model proposed in this study achieves better performance than the five separate anomaly detection baseline algorithms, and it has better robustness and stability, which can be effectively applied to a wide range of network anomaly detection scenarios.

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