
To date, no systematic analysis of the current body of literature has aimed to understand the extent to which school technology leadership is being investigated. This review of the literature presents a content analysis of articles published from 1997 through 2010 housed in the Education Resource Information Center (ERIC) database on the topic of school technology leadership. We structured and conceptually framed our analysis around the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS•A). Based on our content analysis, 37 articles had any focus on technology leadership as defined by the NETS•A. Although we found all indicators of the standards were covered to some degree, there was a glaring lack of in-depth research around this topic. In fact, nearly 68% of the articles were simply descriptive in nature. We determined that Standard 4: Systemic Improvement and Standard 5: Digital Citizenship were least studied in the current body of literature. We conclude that more scholarly efforts need to focus on topics germane to the technology standards for school leaders.

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