
A free-flying Canada goose (Branta canadensis interior), known to be just under a year old, laid a clutch of four eggs at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. At least half of the 2-year-old females nest at Patuxent, and almost all of the 3-year-olds nest. As far as we know, this is the first record of nesting by a yearling Canada goose. N EST1NG CANADA GOOSE * Hall and McGilvrey 835 shouldered hawks ( Buteo lineatus ), 42 Cooper's hawks, 10 marsh hawks (Circus cyaneus ), 8 sparrow hawks ( Falco sparverius), 36 great horned owls, 15 ringnecked pheasants ( Phasianus colchicus ), and 7 miscellaneous small birds. Also, a total of seven Cooper's hawks and five redtailed hawks were shot during this same period ( Meng 1951 ) . This gives an 8-year total of 123 raptors caught in pole traps. Few of these birds could be banded and released. For the 8 years, an average of 10 traps were in operation each season from mid-August through March. The Swedish goshawk trap is efficient in capturing raptors that have been lured to game farms by ovlerpopulations of birds. The data indicate that ffiis tap is more effective than pole-trapping or shoofing. Even if it were not, its use should be encouraged, for many people feel that the pole trap should be outlawed.

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