
The temporal pattern, basin construction and egg-laying of the Neotropical gladiator frog Hyla boans were studied along a small stream that enters the Manu River in Peru in August 2000. Initially we located 60 basins, which were all destroyed by flood waters; subsequently 89 basins were constructed in the same area. In basins where eggs were deposited, oviposition usually occurred on the night the basin was constructed (60%) or during the following night (30%). Of the breached basins that were initially unused the first night, but were subsequently used, 91% were repaired before oviposition. Significantly more basins were located on the top of sand islands than in the center or along the other edges. Basins with eggs had significantly higher rims than those without eggs, and new basins and those with eggs had deeper water than basins with tadpoles or old basins that were disintegrating. Of the basins constructed following the flood, 55% ultimately had eggs, 89% of the eggs hatched in these basins, and 91% of the tadpoles reached maturity or left the basin when the rims were breached. Of the eggs that hatched, 89% of the clutches hatched on the second day after egg-laying, and 11% hatched on the third day. Of the total 146 basins we located, tadpoles reached maturity in five of the original 60 and in 38 of the 86 basins constructed after the flood, for an overall success rate of 29%. However, considering only those basins with eggs, 43 of 81 clutches were successful (53%).

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