
Although hardware-based trusted execution environments (TEEs) have evolved to provide strong isolation with efficient hardware supports, their current monolithic model poses challenges in representing common software structures with modules produced from potentially untrusted 3rd parties. For better mapping of such modular software designs to trusted execution environments, it is necessary to extend the current monolithic model to a hierarchical one, which provides multiple inner TEEs within a TEE. For such hierarchical compartmen-talization within a TEE, this paper proposes a novel hierarchical TEE called nested enclave, which extends the enclave support from Intel SGX. Inspired by the multi-level security model, nested enclave provides multiple inner enclaves sharing the same outer enclave. Inner enclaves can access the context of the outer enclave, but they are protected from the outer enclave and non-enclave execution. Peer inner enclaves are isolated from each other while accessing the execution environment of the shared outer enclave. Both of the inner and outer enclaves are protected from vulnerable privileged software and physical attacks. Such fine-grained nested enclaves allow secure multi-tiered environments using software modules from untrusted 3rd parties. The security-sensitive modules run on the inner enclave with the higher security level, while the 3rd party modules on the outer enclave. It can be further extended to provide a separate inner module for each user to process privacy-sensitive data while sharing the same library with efficient hardware-protected communication channels. This study investigates three case scenarios implemented with an emulated nested enclave support, proving the feasibility and security improvement of the nested enclave model.

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