
Ozet Sunulan calismada Nervus Anahtar sozcukler: Nervus alevolarIs Abstract Tiiis double-blind, randomised study compared the effectiveness of the Conventional, Gozv-Gatesand Akinosi, madi-bularblock injection techniques in 192 requiring anesthesia for took extraction. Criteria for evaluation were as follows: pain experienced during injection (determined by using verbal and visual analogue scalas), the frequency of positive aspiration, nerves anesthetised with a single injection within 5 and 10 minutes, and pain exerienced during tooth extraction (determined by using verbal and visual analogue scalas). Results showed the conventional block technique was die mostpainfid method when the pain experienced during injection was considered. Conventional, Gow-Gates and Aliinosi techniques, respectively, yielded 17.18%, 3.12%, and 9.37% positive aspirations. Onset of anesthesia was sligthly faster with conventional than with die Gow-Gates and Akinosi injection, but there were no significant differences among the techniques at 10 minutes. Tlie overall success rate of inferior alveolar nerve anethesia with a single injection to be 87.5% in theconventional, 95.3% intthe Gow-Gates and 90.6% in the Afunosi groups. These values were not found to be significant statistically. It was concluded that the Gow-Gates technique was more effective in blocking not only die inferior alveolar nerve but also oilier related nerves such as long buccal, auriculotemporal and mylohyoid nerves which may be played a role in the innervation of the lower morals. Althoung, conventional technique was faster and equally effective in blocking of the inferior alveolar nerve, it yielded more positive aspirations than others. Key words: Inferior alveolar nerve, mandibular anesthesia, conventional block injection technique, Gow-Gates technique, Akinosi technique alveolaris inferior blokaji amaciyla uygulanan Klasik, Gow-Gates ve Akinosi inaii-dibuler anestezi teknikleri, alt birinci ve ikinci molar dislerine cekim endikasyonu konulan 192 hastada karsilastirmali olarak incelendi. Cift-kor ve rastgele (randomize) olarak yurutulen calismada enjeksiyonun verdigi agri, pozitif aspirasyon, bloke olan sinirler ve dis cekiminin verdigi agri kriterleri degerlendirildi. Enjeksiyonun verdigi agrinin klasik yontemde en fazla oldugu, Akinosi tekniginin bunu takip ettigi, Gow-Gates tekniginde ise en az oldugu gozlendi. Pozitif aspirasyon degerleri klasik teknikte %17.18, Gow-Gates tekniginde %3.12 ve Akinosi tekniginde %9.37 olarak bulundu. Nervus alveolaris inferIorun on dakika icerisindeki blokaj orani, klasik teknikteki %87.5, Gow-Gates tekniginde %95.3, Akinosi tekniginde ise %90.6 olarak tespit edildi. Dis cekimi esnasinda duyulan agri incelendiginde, Gow-Gates tekniginin en derin anesteziyi sagladigi, Akinosi tekniginde ise en fazla agri duyuldugu izlendi. inferior, mandi-buler anestezi, klasik teknik, Gow-Gates teknigi, Akinosi Teknigi.

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