
Figure 1: Electron micrograph (EM) of cross sections of radial nerve of mice from control Group 1, indicating Axon (AX), Axonal membrane (AXM), Golgi bodies (GO), Microtubule (MIC), Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY), Neurofilament (NF), Schwann cells (SC), A. (Top) GO, MT, B. (Bottom Left) MT binary fission, C. (Bottom) NF. EM Magnification x 19,000. Scale Bar=1“μm”. Figure 2: Electron micrograph (EM) of cross sections of radial nerve of mice from IDPN treated Group 3 unexposed to EMF indicating Axon (AX), Axonal membrane (AXM), Microtubule (MIC), Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY), Neurofilament (NF), Schwann cells (SC). A. (Top) MY, MT, SC, AXM, MIC, B. (Bottom) MY, AXM, MT, NF. EM Magnification x 10,000. Scale Bar=1 “μm” . Figure 3: Electron micrographs (EM) of cross sections of radial nerve of mice from IDPN treated Group 2 exposed to EMF, indicating Axon (AX), Axonal membrane (AXM), Golgi bodies (GO), Microtubule (MIC), Mitochondria (MT), Myelin sheath (MY), Neurofilament (NF), Schwann cells (SC). A. (Top) MT, MY, AXM, NF, MIC, B. (Bottom Left) GO, MIC, C. (Bottom Right) GO, NF, MY, MT. EM Magnification A, B x 19,000, C x 4,800. Scale Bar=1 “μm” Nerve Regeneration Studies It is noted that the energy state and bioelectric potential of nerves may be modulated by pico-Tesla electromagnetic fields (PTEMF’s) [1-8]. For the following nerve regeneration studies, the field intensities, gradients and frequencies were calculated with the Jacobson Resonance equations; considering subcellular components vital for nerve function. Target molecules included nerve growth factors, dynein, kinesine, microtubule associated protein (MAP), neurofilaments, tubulin, cholinesterase, acetylcholine, and calmodulin. It was determined that the natural EMF profile for mice is in the micro gauss range (1 μG=100 pT). A sequence of extremely low-level EMF magnitudes with correspondent biological frequencies (<300 Hz) was employed.

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