
Of Lithuanian and foreign scientists articles analysis, is determined that the phenomenon of nepotism is presented as protection of relatives, i.e., investment in human capital – family, relationship by marriage, not to productivity. This way does not guarantee the quality of human resources and damage workers’ interpersonal relationships, disturbing both the public and private sector organizations’ work. In a broad sense, nepotism is dysfunction of social relationship, in assessing aspects of all socium. Although nepotism is often associated with the legacy of the socialist system in Lithuania – it is a broader social phenomenon, beyond the political systems of frames, well grounded of the human nature and the cultural context. Society development is related with the negative aspects of the phenomenon harm to the public and private sector systems and understanding of the phenomenon as unacceptable, the institutionalization of the national acquis. Analysis of nepotism, favoritism and protectionism specificity showed that these phenomena are described quite differently, the common denominator is becoming protection, exceptionally creating favorable conditions for a social network of representatives: the family members, relatives, friends, financial partners. Social networks can be formal (family) and informal (similar geographic origin, ethnicity, military service, friendship, etc.). Informal network boundaries are difficult to define, and one person can belong to multiple networks, so networks can overlap and form metanetwork. Of the general denominators of nepotism, favoritism and protectionism, it is proved that these phenomena are closely related, and they can not be completely separated. Analyzed phenomena have the same core – corruption and discrimination, but differs protection objects and forms of corruption. The present article authors formed a conceptual triangulation model which reveals relations of nepotism, favoritism and protectionism through the prism of the core of such phenomena of corruption and discrimination.

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