
Abstract A description is provided for Neozygites fresenii . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) especially species of the genus Aphis . GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Very widespread, including Europe, N. & S. America, Asia, Africa, Polynesia. DISEASE: Capilloconidia adhere to the aphid by the sticky apical droplet. A germ tube is produced which forms an appressorium on the insect cuticle and a tube from the appressorium then penetrates it. Aphids killed by N. fresenii characteristically hang from the stems and the underside of leaves of the host plant by the proboscis inserted in the plant tissues. Aphis fabae killed by this species are orange in colour when dry and grey in moist conditions as the fungus begins to sporulate. This fungus is most frequently associated with dense populations of aphids in warm seasons and is unusual in attacking aphid populations in the tropics.

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