
Abstract Scutalatus gen. n. is proposed to accommodate S. magniancoratus sp. n. from the body surface of a captive South American electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Gymnotidae, Gymnotiformes), originally collected from the Amazon region. The new genus is characterized by the presence of a superficial keel on the anchor and a wing‐shape shield on the superficial bar. Mormyrogyrodactylus gemini Luus‐Powell, Mashego & Khalil, 2003 from the African bulldog, Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Mormyridae, Osteoglossiformes) is redescribed based on available type specimens. Contrary to the original description, the superficial bar in this species consists of a single piece, and sclerites R1 and R2 are embedded within the shield. Both species appear to be phylogenetically close and are members of a larger clade of genera with species possessing accessory bars, accessory sclerites and/or hooks distributed in anterior and posterior clusters in the margin of the haptor.

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