
The Neoproterozoic Podillya sedimentary Basin is well known to the imprints of the Ediacaran soft-bodied fauna which were previously described by many ukrainian and foreign authors. At this period, fossil-rich siliciclastic sediments recognized as traces of early metazoans also contain evidence of significant microbiological activity. In these ediacaran sediments, many structures can be interpreted as microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS). Their morphologies have a great similarity with modern structures observed in relation with micro-organism activity. These specific structure and surfaces and their mineral composition are the criteria used to study the bacterial structures from the ukrainian Neoproterozoic sedimentary basin. Our results demonstrate microorganisms were organized in bacterial mats whose activity was recorded in the difference of mineralogy between biological films and host rocks. On outcrop, the different type of MISS are often associated with lenticular beddings, ripples and hummocky cross structures indicative of coastal-marine conditions close to the littoral zone of the basin at this epoch. If MISS are important in the issue of paleogeographic reconstructions, they also give precious informations about early diagenetic processes, syn- and post-sedimentation. By mineralogical approach we show that during the time of development of MISS structures and the burial that followed the diagenetic processes have remained moderate. Finally, the close coexistence with ediacarian fossils suggest that such bacterial mats could be at the origin of the fossilization process of soft-bodies of enigmatic Ediacaran biota of Mohyliv-Podylska Group and their preservation until today.

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