
The present study deals with tectonomagmatic evolution of the collision-related leucogranite located near the northwest corner of exposed basement in Sinai, Egypt. The area is composed of: (1) a gabbroic complex; (2) amphibolite; (3) post-orogenic leucogranite; (4) Feiran gneisses. The amphibolite and gabbroic suites, generated in an island arc environment, have a high Fe-tholeiitic affinity and were derived from two independent magmas. On the basis of rare earth element (REE) patterns, the gabbroic melts could have been generated from a garnet- and amphibole-bearing, enriched mantle, and were subsequently modified by fractional crystallization of pyroxene and amphibole with minor plagioclase, whereas the amphibolite melts could be derived from garnet-free depleted mantle. The leucogranite has high Al2O3 content (>13 wt%), alumina saturation index (ASI) mostly >1, and normative corundum, indicating a peraluminous nature. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for the leucogranite show light REE enrichment (La/SmN=2.7–4.86), general flattening of the heavy REE (Gd/LuN=1.2–2), and negative europium (Eu) anomalies (Eu/Eu*=0.24–0.47). The peraluminous nature and enrichment of the incompatible elements (K, Rb, Ba and Th) in the leucogranite strongly suggest derivation from a crustal source. The most probable source for the leucogranite magmas is represented by the adjacent Feiran gneisses, which could have generated the leucogranite by dehydration melting under water-undersaturated conditions. It appears likely that the restite unmixing model is responsible for the chemical variations within the leucogranite. In accordance with this model, the chemical variation of the leucogranite can be attributed to varying degrees of separation of restitic material from the melt during its emplacement and solidification and fractional crystallization could have played a minor role during magma ascent through the crust.

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