
Neonicotinoid (NEO) insecticides have been frequently detected in natural aquatic environments. Nevertheless, the distribution of NEOs in artificial environments is not clear. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is the longest canal in the world. The northern Jiangsu segment of the Grand Canal was selected to study the spatiotemporal variation and source of eight NEOs in the canal water and assess their ecological and health risks. The total NEO concentration in the canal water was 12–289 ng L−1 in the dry season and 18–373 ng L−1 in the wet season, which were within the concentration range in other 11 natural rivers worldwide. The average total NEO concentrations were not statistically different between the seasons; only the concentrations of imidaclothiz, thiacloprid (THI), acetamiprid, and dinotefuran were different. At city scale, the total NEO concentration in the dry season showed a decreasing trend along the water flow from Xuzhou City to Yangzhou City. The total NEO concentrations were found to be positively correlated with the sown area of farm crops and the rural labour force, indicating the agricultural influence on the spatial distribution of NEO concentrations. In the wet season, relatively high NEO concentrations were distributed in downstream sites under the influence of artificial regulation. The primary contributor to the NEO inputs into the canal was the nonpoint source in the dry and wet seasons, with a relative contribution of 68 %. THI, imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxan would produce chronic ecological risks in both seasons. Further consideration needs to be given to the above four NEOs and NEO mixtures. The human health risks that NEOs posed by drinking water were assessed based on the chronic daily intake (CDI). The maximum CDI for adults and children was lower than the reference doses. This suggested public health would not be at risk from canal water consumption.

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