
Abstract: Neonatal screening is a set of medical diagnostics that are performed on infants. Our project deals with the problem of a centralized management system for hospitals making it easier for doctors as well as patients to view reports and compare current reports with the previous reports. Our app would also help in reducing errors that are generally caused when this process of comparing and contrasting the report is done manually by doctors. The main objective of this project is to develop a Client Server based environment, for transferring the medical report details from the bio medical lab. Also to improve data analysis technique, using previous data comparison methods. This system works on accurate recording of all user report transactions lead to better data management and increases in various comparisons. This project consists of two types of interactions like admin and patient. Admin will be providing with a well secured login and patient details will be registered using admin. A user name and password will be provided to the user. The initially process is to enter the medical test requirement of the patient. The details contain prescribed doctor details, patient details and lab test details. Each disease will contain different CTA (Complete test analysis) for their test result. For example a general blood sugar test contains HBL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, Glucose level and etc. These all said to be CTA test. Once patient has been register successfully their blood will be collected and a temporary reference number will be provided. This temporary number is for admin and employee reference. Once their blood test has been done, the test result will be uploaded by the admin by selected the corresponding user name. The uploading details will be stored in a centralized server for data utility purpose. Patient can login with their user and password. Through selecting the date, the patient can view their current test result from their home itself. A test history option will be provided to the patient. So that patient can compare their test with their previous test results. This option makes the patient to manage and know about their health condition and their treatment. An interactive grid and chart will be generated for furnishing the result to the patient. Admin can maintain their patient detail, patient count, test results and etc. This makes more comfortable communication between admin and patients. Also entire treatment record will be computerized for future references.

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