
Daily sc injections of phenobarbital at anticonvulsant therapeutic doses for the rat (40 mg/kg) for the first 7 days of life resulted in below normal levels of serum testosterone from around birth to before puberty, normal levels during puberty and above normal levels of the androgen after puberty and in adulthood. Cluster analysis of the plasma testosterone secretory profiles obtained at 15-min intervals from phenobarbital-treated rats at 65 and 165 days of age revealed a significant increase in both the peak amplitudes and their durations resulting in a 100% increase in the amount of hormone secreted during the peak periods. In general, most of the rats (control and experimental) secreted testosterone as two large peaks, each 3 to 4 hr in duration, during the 10-hr lights-on collection period. In addition to permanently disrupting the ultradian profiles of plasma testosterone, neonatal exposure to the barbiturate altered testicular responsiveness to steroidogenic regulatory agents. That is, neonatal exposure to phenobarbital enhanced the responsiveness to exogenous hCG as measured by an above-normal increase in testosterone concentration. Moreover, phenobarbital-induced reductions in serum testosterone levels were delayed in adult rats neonatally exposed to the barbiturate. Whereas a single challenge dose of phenobarbital (1 or 10 mg/kg) reduced serum testosterone concentrations in control animals by almost 80% within 3 hr, a decline in serum androgen levels in the neonatally phenobarbital exposed males was not observed until 12 hr after the challenge dose. These results indicate that postpartum exposure to therapeutic levels of phenobarbital can permanently disrupt testosterone secretory profiles and alter pathways regulating testicular steroidogenesis.

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