
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the neonatal outcomein women undergoing cesarean section due to non-reassuring cardiotocography (CTG). Crosssectional study. Setting: Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics at Liaquat University ofMedical & Health Sciences Hyderabad. Period: October 2012 to August 2013. Methodology:Detailed Clinical examination of the patient was done. Systemic review was also done to seeany co-morbidity. All patients underwent for base line like CBC and specific investigationsespecially ultrasound pelvis. Inclusion criteria were all patients with gestational age > 37 weeksand maternal age 20 -30 years with non-reassuring CTG. Exclusion criteria were history ofprevious caesarean section operation, less than 37 weeks pregnancy, any other obstetricalindication for caesarean section (except non reactive CTG) like cephalo pelvic disproportion,previous caesarean section and severe intrapartum hemorrhage. Results were prepared withhelp of tables and graphs. Data was analyzed through SPSS software. Results: This studywas conducted on 112 patients. Wide variation of maternal age ranging from a minimum of 20years to 30 years with mean age was 26+2.1 years. Gestational age was > 37weeks, rangingfrom a minimum of 37 weeks to 42weeks. The mean age was 37+2.4 weeks. Mostly patientswere observed 37-38wks in 52.67%, 39-40wks in 32.14% and 41-42wks in 15.17%. Apgarscore was more than 7 in 61.60% cases and less than 7 apgar score in 38.39% cases whichis statistically not significant. Conclusion: It is concluded that apgar score was >7 in 61.60%cases and <7 apgar score in 38.39% cases which is statistically not significant. CTG is a usefuland indispensable adjunct to monitor the condition of endangered fetus. Reduce the incidenceof false positive findings that may result in increased incidence of unnecessary interventionparticularly caesarean section CTG should not be used as sole test CTG finding should becorrelated with colour of liquor ,if facility is present scalp PH should be done.

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