
Folate is vital in a range of biological processes and folate deficiency is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as neural tube defects and hydrocephalus (HC). 10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate-dehydrogenase (FDH) is a key regulator for folate availability and metabolic interconversion for the supply of 1-carbon groups. In previous studies, we found a deficiency of FDH in CSF associated with the developmental deficit in congenital and neonatal HC. In this study, we therefore aimed to investigate the role of FDH in folate transport and metabolism during the brain development of the congenital hydrocephalic Texas (H-Tx) rat and normal (Sprague-Dawley) rats. We show that at embryonic (E) stage E18 and E20, FDH-positive cells and/or vesicles derived from the cortex can bind methyl-folate similarly to folate receptor alpha, the main folate transporter. Hydrocephalic rats expressed diminished nuclear FDH in both liver and brain at all postnatal (P) ages tested (P5, P15, and P20) together with a parallel increase in hepatic nuclear methyl-folate at P5 and cerebral methylfolate at P15 and P20. A similar relationship was found between FDH and 5-methyl cytosine, the main marker for DNA methylation. The data indicated that FDH binds and transports methylfolate in the brain and that decreased liver and brain nuclear expression of FDH is linked with decreased DNA methylation which could be a key factor in the developmental deficits associated with congenital and neonatal HC. Folate deficiency is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as neural tube defects and hydrocephalus. 10-formyl-tetrahydrofolate-dehydrogenase (FDH) is a key regulator for folate availability and metabolic interconversion. We show that FDH binds and transports methylfolate in the brain. Moreover, we found that a deficiency of FDH in the nucleus of brain and liver is linked with decreased DNA methylation which could be a key factor in the developmental deficits associated with congenital and neonatal hydrocephalus cells.

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