
Diabetes insipidus is rare in newborn. There are two types of this disease: central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. A Palestinian infant was born at Shifa Women`s Hospital at full term by urgent cesarean section. At the age of 13 days he had fever, hypernatremia, polyuria, weight loss and low specific gravity of urine. The baby was diagnosed to have diabetes insipidus. The baby was successfully treated by fluid loss recovery by bottle feeding and intravenous 5% dextrose and sodium chloride solution. At home, they continued to correct fluid loss by bottle- feeding and drinking water.


  • There was no family history of endocrine disorder and baby had perinatal depression needed resuscitation more than 10 minute which is suggestive of the central cause of DI .Ministry of Health in Gaza had limited resources which were the obstacle to do the level of serum antidiuretic hormone level (ADH) and genetic mutations in turn we did not determine if the cause central or nephrogenic

  • There were limited resources to do the antidiuretic hormone level and genetic mutation but the history of natal and postnatal course of the baby was suggestive of central diabetes insipidus

  • There are limited studies related the treatment of neonatal central DI by desmopressin but generally it is not recommended as initial management but the last choice as there is high probability of wide swings in serum sodium(8)

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Neonatal Diabetes Insipidus in a Palestinian Newborn

Новорожденного успешно лечили путем восстановления потери жидкости в организме при кормлении из бутылочки, а также с помощью внутривенного введения 5% декстрозы и раствора хлорида натрия. The baby was successfully treated by fluid loss recovery by bottle feeding and intravenous 5% dextrose and sodium chloride solution. Основанием для установления диагноза неонатального несахарного диабета были гипертермия, гипернатриемия, полиурия, потеря массы тела и снижение относительной плотности мочи. Случай неонатального несахарного диабета был диагностирован вовремя, ребенок получил необходимое лечение путем восстановления потери жидкости в организме. Baby initially was kept on bottle feeding ,total intake was 100ml/kg/day, in addition, intravenous iv fluid 0.45 normal saline dextrose 5 % intake was 240 ml/kg/day, after 24 hours of fluid management repeated serum sodium was same initial one 168 mmol/l. From hospital course the baby needed 850 ml/day plain fluid (water), in addition to the usual bottle feedings. There was no family history of endocrine disorder and baby had perinatal depression needed resuscitation more than 10 minute which is suggestive of the central cause of DI .Ministry of Health in Gaza had limited resources which were the obstacle to do the level of serum antidiuretic hormone level (ADH) and genetic mutations in turn we did not determine if the cause central or nephrogenic

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