
The safest mode of delivery for fetuses in breech presentations is still an ongoing debate. The aim of this study was to analyze neonatal admission rates after vaginal breech delivery and compare it to other modes of delivery in order to counsel pregnant women with breech presentation adequately. We performed a retrospective monocentric analysis of all deliveries with singleton pregnancies in breech presentation > 36.0weeks of gestation between 01/2018-12/2019. Short-term neonatal morbidity data was collected for vaginal delivery and primary as well as secondary cesarean sections from breech presentations. A total of n=41/482 (8.5%) neonates had to be admitted to NICU: vaginal breech delivery n=18/153 (11.8%), primary cesarean section n=9/101 (8.9%, OR 0.73; CI 0.32-1.70; p=0.47), secondary cesarean section n=10/76 (13.2%, OR 1.14; CI 0.50-2.60, p=0.76) and vaginal vertex delivery n=4/152 (2.6%, OR 0.20; CI 0.06-0.51; p=0.005). There was no significant difference in transfer to NICU between all breech position delivery modes. Despite significantly lower pH and 5' APGAR values after vaginal delivery, neonates delivered by primary cesarean section and NICU admission had to be treated there significantly longer (mean 80.9 vs. 174.0h). No significant difference in terms of ventilation parameters and infections were found between the vaginal delivery, primary and secondary cesarean section from breech presentation. Vaginal breech delivery does not result in a higher neonatal admission rate in comparison to primary and secondary section. In contrast, there is a shorter NICU duration in case of neonatal admission after vaginal delivery.

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