
Constant appearance of new words in the language requires continuous systematic study of these lexical units. The subject of this work is neologisms in the German language of press. The objective is as follows: to identify the specific of the new nominations formation and their complex description on the material of the German press. The tasks of the research are: to study the features of neologisms of recent years, to trace the causes of their emergence, to consider the ways of their formation, to trace the criteria of registering them in dictionaries, to identify the role of neologisms in German press. The material for the study is the reports and articles of social and political newspapers and magazines: Spiegel online, Zeit online, Der Tagesspiegel online, Westfalenpost online. I n this work the following linguistic methods are used as tools: definition analysis, continuous sampling method, component analysis, linguistic description method, as well as considering the context in the analysis of the studied lexical units. The research of new nominations on the material of the German press allowed us to conclude that the revealed neologisms are mostly compound nouns, the percentage of other parts of speech among neologisms is small. This is due to the fact that innovations in the press are the result of messages compression, as well as a way of expressing the emotional and expressive coloring of the events in the social and political life of the Germans.

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