
List of Contributions. Photos. Part I: The disciplinary role of capital under Neoliberalism. Responding to Neoliberalism in crisis: discipline and empowerment in the World Bank's new development agenda (M. Taylor). American imperialism and new forms of disciplining the 'non-integrating gap' (S. Soederberg). The logic of Neoliberal finance and global financial fragility: towards another great depression? (A. Nesvetailova). Disciplining labor, creating poverty: Neoliberal structural reform and the political conflict in Argentina (V. Patroni). Global high culture in the era of Neo-Liberalism: The case of documenta11 (K. Ball). Part II: Accumulation and Finance. Marx and the theory of the monetary circuit (A.B. Trigg). Hilferding's banking theory in the light of Steuart and Smith (C. Lapavitsas). Economic crisis and socialist revolution: Henryk Grossman's Law of Accumulation, its first critics and his responses (R. Kuhn). Spurious value-price correlations: some additional evidence and arguments (A. Kliman). Part III: Rosa Luxemburg. The coherence of Luxemburg's theories and life (E.T. Aznar). 'Like a candle burning at both ends': Rosa Luxemburg and the critique of political economy (R. Bellofiore).

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