
Neoliberalism is the dominant ideology underpinning the operation of many governments. Its tenets include policies of economic liberalization such as privatization, deregulation, free trade and reduced public expenditures on infrastructure and social services. Champions of neoliberalism claim that expansion of global trade has rescued millions from abject poverty and that direct foreign investment successfully transfers technology to developing economies. However, critics have urged governments to pay greater attention to how neoliberalism shapes population health. Indigenous populations experience inequalities in ways that are unique and distinct from the experiences of other marginalised groups. This is largely due to colonial influences that have resulted in sustained loss of lands, identity, languages and the control to live life in a traditional, cultural way that is meaningful. Oral health is simultaneously a reflection of material circumstances, structural inequities and access to health services. Indigenous populations carry a disproportionate burden of oral health inequalities at a global level. In this commentary, we contend that neoliberalism has overwhelmingly contributed to these inequities in three ways: (1) increased dominance of transnational corporations; (2) privatization of health and; (3) the neoliberal emphasis on personal responsibility.

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