
The behaviour of the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systems with increasing degree of Hercynian metamorphic overprint was studied along a transect in Cambrian shales of northwestern Morocco. Clay fractions of < 0.2 to 2–6 μm size from five samples were investigated, representing a range from nonmetamorphic to epizonal metamorphic conditions. The samples were washed in cold l N HC1 prior to digestion to separate soluble/exchangeable Rb, Sr, Sm, and Nd from amounts of these elements fixed in the crystallographic sites of the minerals and to analyze both components separately. The results reveal that the Rb-Sr isotopic system is dominated by Sr hosted by clay mineral phases (both detrital and authigenic illite and chlorite) and carbonate-hosted soluble Sr. Isotopic homogenization of Sr occurred during Hercynian metamorphism, yielding ages between 309 and 349 Ma. The Sm-Nd isotopic system, on the other hand, is dominated by cogenetic apatite and Fe oxide/ hydroxide, both having high contents of leachable REEs. The leachates yield a Sm-Nd isochron age of 523 ± 72 Ma, indicating diagenetic equilibrium between apatite and Fe-oxide/hydroxide. Fine-grained clay fractions of < 0.2 μm size plot onto this reference line, suggesting isotopic equilibrium with the leachates. Size fractions > 0.2 μm show inheritance of a detrital Nd component. The study demonstrates that the diagenesis of the investigated argillaceous sediments can be dated by the Sm-Nd chronometer in authigenic cement phases. The isotopic system of these minerals (apatite, Fe hydroxide/oxide) was homogenized during authigenic mineral growth in a sediment that was flushed by diagenetic fluids and had abundant primary or secondary interconnected pore space. The Hercynian metamorphic overprint caused partial isotopic rehomogenization of the adsorbed and clay-hosted portion of the Sr as well as of the carbonate-hosted Sr. The Sm-Nd system in the cement phases survived this metamorphism. This results in decoupling of the two isotopic systems and allows the dating of diagenesis on the one hand (Sm-Nd) and metamorphism on the other hand (Rb-Sr).

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