
The success of various cryptocurrencies' systems has triggered a great interest in their functioning. The fluctuation of their values is very unpredictable, so the periods of growth are often abruptly interrupted by stagnation or a pronounced decline. Nevertheless, a large number of investors have been involved in the processes of mining and trading cryptocurrencies in recent years. When it comes to the negative aspects of cryptocurrencies, the focus is primarily on various forms of cybercrime. The number of hacker attacks using the blackmail software - ransomware, is on the increase. In such cases, cryptocurrencies are often used as a means of paying ransom. However, the energy efficiency of certain types of cryptocurrencies is a less common topic. The Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm used for mining in some systems is an energetically intensive and really expensive process, which after economic analysis no longer seems as profitable as it first appeared to be. Cryptocurrency trading could bring a great income to the investors, but also great losses, because it essentially represents a zero-sum game. The sudden increase in the number of miners led to the disturbance on the computer components market, causing the price increase and even the complete disappearance of certain graphics card models. Everything previously mentioned indicates that cryptocurrencies have brought many negative aspects and disturbances. The subject of this paper is the economic aspect of cryptocurrencies based on the PoW algorithm. The aim of the paper is to indicate the economic unsustainability of their current concept, due to the high costs borne directly by participants in the mining process and indirectly by participants in the computer components market.

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