
Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors have expanded within nematodes, where they play important roles in foraging and host-seeking behaviour. Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors are most highly expressed during free-living stages when chemosensory signalling is required for host detection and nematode activation in various parasitic nematodes, and therefore position Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors at the transition from infective to parasitic stages, making them important regulators to study in terms of host-seeking and host specificity. To facilitate the analysis of Nematode Chemosensory G-Protein Coupled Receptors, here we describe an integrative database of nematode chemoreceptors called NemChR-DB. This database enables users to study diverse parasitic nematode chemoreceptors, functionally explore sequence entries through structural and literature-based annotations, and perform cross-species comparisons.

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