
This paper examines the manner in which some isiXhosa poets depict Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela’s genealogical background. The poetry to be considered includes Sithole’s ‘Imbongi ikhahlela iinkosi zakwaDalindyebo’ and ‘Ndisatsho nangoku’; Mtumane’s ‘Yalal’ ingotya yabaThembu’; Shasha’s ‘UMadiba waseQunu’; Yali-Manisi’s ‘UNkosi Rholihlahla Nelson Mandela’; Mtuze’s ‘Kugqirha Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela’; and Madlebe’s ‘Idelakufa lakwaMadiba’. In discussing Mandela’s genealogical background, the aspects to be attended to in the analysis are; claiming of origin back to a specific forefather, Mandela’s forefathers, the significance of the red ochre, Mandela as idelakufa (one who fears not death) and a leader worth following. All this will be based on the statements made by the isiXhosa poets about this icon. It will also be commented on how the background has contributed to making Mandela the leader the poets depict him to have been. The concepts of background and genealogy will be defined as part of the introductory section of this discourse.

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