
The antiferromagnetic phase of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) Hubbard model with nearest neighbor hopping is studied on a bipartite cubic lattice by means of the quantum $\mathrm{SU}(2)\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\mathrm{U}(1)$ rotor approach that yields a fully self-consistent treatment of the antiferromagnetic state that respects the symmetry properties of the model and satisfy the Mermin-Wagner theorem. The collective variables for charge and spin are isolated in the form of the space-time fluctuating U(1) phase field and rotating spin-quantization axis governed by the SU(2) symmetry, respectively. As a result interacting electrons appear as composite objects consisting of bare fermions with attached U(1) and SU(2) gauge fields. An effective action consisting of a spin-charge rotor and a fermionic field is derived as a function of the Coulomb repulsion $U$ and hopping parameter $t$. At zero temperature, our theory describes the evolution from a Slater $(U⪡t)$ to a Mott-Heisenberg $(U⪢t)$ antiferromagnet. The results for zero-temperature sublatice magnetization (2D) and finite temperature (3D) phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic Hubbard model as a function of the crossover parameter $U∕t$ are presented and the role of the spin Berry phase in the interaction driven crossover is analyzed.

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