
Abstract: The paper presents new results of field research of necropolises and stecak tombstones from the Teocak municipality. The research aimed to obtain contemporary data on stecak tombstones in the mentioned area, because in the previous scientific literature, incomplete and often different data on necropolises and stecak tombstones were found. A survey of localities, necropolises and stecaks, as well as a formal - typological analysis of shapes, decorative motifs and epitaphs were carried out through field research. Empirical data obtained from the examination of necropolises and stecaks in the area of the municipality of Teocak, the revision of data and the determination of the contemporary state of the stecaks served as a basis for questioning the way of presenting the stecaks so far. The purpose of the conducted research was to highlight, along with the topography of localities, necropolises and stecaks in the Teocak municipality, positive activities in the arrangement of individual necropolises with stecaks, as examples of preservation, protection and promotion of stecaks, and to emphasize the importance of stecaks for researching the history of the medieval Bosnian state. Keywords: Teocak, localities, necropolises, stecak tombstones, shapes, decorations, inscriptions, significance of stecak tombstones...

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