
Native species like Hyperthelia dissoluta have great potential in livestock production but not much has been done to improve their contribution to that sector. This study examined 2 conservation methods (drying and ensiling) and 3 different growth stages, namely: elongation stage (January), early flowering (February) and late flowering stage (March) of H. dissoluta in terms of nutritional composition and digestibility. The method of conservation had a significant effect (P<0.05) on nutritive value, with silage having more P and CP than hay. Stage of growth had an effect (P<0.05) on all nutritional properties of both hay and silage: Phosphorus, Ca and CP concentrations and digestibility of hay and silage decreased with maturity, while NDF and ADF concentrations increased. Silage pH value was significantly higher at elongation (5.2) and late flowering growth stages (5.7) than at early flowering (4.4). Dry matter digestibility of the conserved material reached levels as high as 82% for silage made at the elongation stage with all values at least 60%. We conclude that H. dissoluta can be conserved as both silage and hay to produce a good quality feed. Harvesting at the early flowering stage would seem to provide a good compromise between quantity (not measured in this study) and quality of harvested forage. Further studies seem warranted to determine the acceptability and intake of the material by livestock, the advantages of adding fermentable carbohydrates during ensiling and DM yields in different areas and a range of seasonal conditions. Keywords : Air drying, hay, perennial native grasses, plastic bag silo, quality silage. DOI: 10.17138/TGFT(4)179-184


  • Feed shortage, both in quantity and quality, is the principal constraint to livestock production in subtropical Africa (Smith 2002; Gusha et al 2014)

  • Silage and hay harvested during the elongation stage of growth had the highest CP concentrations of 8.2 and 6.5% (DM basis), respectively (Table 1)

  • Apparent digestibility of dry matter declined significantly as harvesting stage was delayed for both methods of conservation and was generally higher for silage than for hay

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Both in quantity and quality, is the principal constraint to livestock production in subtropical Africa (Smith 2002; Gusha et al 2014). The quality of forage generally declines as plants mature and become more fibrous and crude protein levels fall to as low as 2% dry matter (Smith 2002), resulting in accumulation of poor quality biomass, which is lowly digestible and low in nutrients (Ball et al 2001). The biomass is either consumed by veld fire during the dry season or breaks down during the following rainy season. This results in low productivity, long calving intervals and high livestock mortality (Lukuyu et al 2011). We consider that there are some native grass species, which have been neglected in terms of looking for solutions to these problems but which, because of their adaptation to local climatic conditions, may have the potential to modify the perennial feed deficit problems

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