
This paper presents the negative impacts on residential buildings in Kosovo, - as well as the main factors of the occurrence of sick building syndrome (SBS) in residential buildings in the case of Kosovo. It is also examines the impact of different materials on this phenomenon and how many constructions in Kosovo are protected from this phenomenon. For the assessment of the impact of materials on health and the environment, it is necessary to consider all the phases. Starting from the phase of construction, selection of materials, application from the beginning of the use of the building, including all the materials processing from the beginning until their application, the use of natural resources for the production of various construction products, the necessary energy for the production and processing of the materials used, and the amount of release and imitation of CO2 (carbon dioxide). This paper also discusses the question of what sick building syndrome SBS is, how materials are affected by this phenomenon, what are the main materials affecting the residential buildings in SBS phenomenon in Kosovo, what buildings are affected by this phenomenon and how does this phenomenon affect human health. Furthermore, this paper provides a deep analysis on factors influencing the phenomenon of SBS in different municipalities and several companies. It also discusses the influence of Asbestos and its impact on SBS,through a survey conducted in different municipalities and institutions and other companies. Through this discussion the paper attempts to provide information on the current knowledge about asbestos, as well as the manner of its assembling and dismantling, storage and all other information related to this material which has a great impact on the appearance on phenomena of SBS. A special emphasis has been put on the impact of materials on our health, recent research on the materials used and impact on the appearance of SBS case, including the diseases that occur as a consequence of the occurrence of diseased buildings.

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