
Traffic congestion is one of the most important factors contributing to air pollution. Vehicle emissions account for a significant portion of this pollution. Estimate the negative impact of traffic congestion by empirical model for predicting total delay time as a function of traffic conditions and geometric features and calculating the quantities of gases emitted during the traffic congestion at the signalled intersection is the goal of this paper. Two signalized intersections in Babil City with different characteristics are select. video recording is used to measure traffic volumes during peak and off-peak times. Afield survey is used to measure geometric design elements, signal timings, phasing, and selected emissions of HC, CO, and CO2 in (kg/hr) are based on delay. with 95% confidence, a linear regression model predicted the delay model. according to the statistical analysis, both geometry and traffic characteristics have a substantial influence on delay time. The constructed regression model for estimating delay has a high degree of correlation with actual values. The proportion of the total width of the exit route of an intersection of straight-forward departing traffic to the total width of groups of lanes departing on the same exit route at the same phase at the stop line it is observed that although the SIDRA 8.0 PLUS delay overestimates the delay at the high (v/c) range, there is no noticeable difference with the field delay and the study will offer suggestions to transportation and public health officials on how to try eco-routing and deco-signal timing to lower the risk of air pollutants.

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