
The organisation of the testis of the dogfish shark is technically advantageous for stage-by-stage analysis of spermatogenesis in vivo and in vitro. Prior studies using this model show that total oestrogen receptors (ER) are concentrated in regions where spermatocysts ("follicle-like" germ cell-Sertoli cell units) are in stem cell and spermatogonial stages: respectively, germinal zone (GZ) and premeiotic (PrM) regions. By contrast, key enzymes regulating oestrogen (E) concentrations (aromatase, 17 alpha-hydroxylase) are maximal in meiotic (M) and postmeiotic (PoM) regions, respectively, which are upstream in the intratesticular vascular pathway. To investigate the hypothesis that E is part of a signalling mechanism between stages of development, studies were undertaken to test direct effects of oestradiol-17 beta (E2) on processes in ER-rich regions. As measured by [3H]thymidine (-Tdr) incorporation. DNA synthesis in GZ and PrM regions was inhibited by E2 (0-1000 nM) in a dose-response fashion. The maximal response (30-40%) was significant, reproducible and observed within 72 hr of treatment. Insulin differentially affected DNA synthesis and the response to E2 in GZ in GZ and PrM regions. As measured by [3H]Tdr release after prelabelling spermatocysts of GZ regions, apoptosis progressively decreased with increasing concentrations of E2. At the maximal dose of E2 used, there was no effect on total protein synthesis or secretion in combined GZ/PrM cysts, indicating that effects on DNA synthesis and cell death were authentically physiological, not pharmacological, and consistent with a state of developmental arrest. These results support the hypothesis that E synthesised within the testis is part of a negative feedback regulatory mechanism whereby more mature stages regulate the developmental advance of less mature stages. A growth control mechanism of this type could explain the strict temporal, spatial and quantitative order of succeeding stages characteristic of normal spermatogenesis in all vertebrates. Further study is required to determine whether E signalling in this model is restricted to Sertoli cells or has a germ cell component.

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