
This article describes a theoretical framework for a school-based mentoring (SBM) approach that addresses identified limitations of current adult-youth mentoring practices in schools and augments them with evidence-based components. The Needs-Based Mentoring (NBM) approach includes five elements: (1) Engage, (2) Teach, (3) Structure, (4) Advocate, and (5) Assess. These elements include component practices. Throughout NBM, mentors collaborate with mentees to identify goals based on an informal assessment of the student-mentee’s willingness and ability to engage in the activities involved in each element of mentoring. A description of each element is provided, as well as recommendations for training school-based professionals (e.g., teachers, administrators, school counselors, staff and paraprofessionals) as mentors for efficiency and sustainability. This applied approach will enhance school-based mentoring for the future of one-on-one targeted mentoring with youth at-risk of school dropout to improve school engagement and social-emotional outcomes.

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