
Medical emergency skills are very important for dentists. These skills need to be focused on by dental schools especially in Syria throughout civilian war. Assessment of the need for dental curriculum in Syrian dental schools was required to develop a module on medical emergencies in dentistry in Syrian dental schools to meet the community needs. A cross-sectional study design have been used to assess the need for a module on medical emergencies in dentistry at faculty of dentistry in Aleppo University. A multiple-choice question (MCQ) test has been developed to assess medical emergency knowledge among undergraduate students. A module on medical emergency in dentistry has been designed depending on the results of needs assessment which, is based on how many students have passed the MCQ test about comprehensive guidelines on medical emergencies in the dental practice. After collecting the test results, if any gap is founded in the curriculum based on medical emergency concepts in dentistry, Harden’s 10 questions will be used in this study to develop a module on medical emergencies in dentistry if the mean score of the MCQ test was below the pass/fail point (less than 50%). 44 students (42%) have passed the MCQ test. 61 students (58%) have failed the MCQ test. The mean score of 75 (MCQ) items test was 45%. Every item of the MCQ test was answered respectively by senior year undergraduate dental students in Aleppo University. Data from the test results has been collected and evaluated statistically. Depending on The mean score of the MCQ test, a module on medical emergencies in dentistry was needed to be developed in Syrian dental schools' curriculum. MCQs has been effective to assess knowledge of medical emergency in Syrian dental schools. Depending on this research results, there still need to develop a Module on Medical Emergencies in Dentistry in Syrian dental schools. Therefore a new module on Medical Emergencies in Dentistry was suggested in this paper to develop the curriculum in Syrian dental schools.

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