
A 21 years-old male was complaining from; decrease in vision, fever, blurring and inability to open the eyes in the sun. The patient attended the Eye hospital in Gaza where Fundus photo and serological tests were carried out in the eye hospital and Islamic University-Gaza laboratories. The patient complains from blurring and retinochoroditis. The ophthalmological examination revealed hypertensive non-granulomatous panuveitis, retinal vasculitis with focus of retinochoroiditis with lesioned central area suggestive of ocular toxoplasmosis. The serological tests proved that IgG was high in the patient serum and recorded 54.50 while IgM was negative. The fundus photo showed a clear lesion. Ocular toxoplasmosis is present among patients attending Eye hospital. The clinical cases could be detected among patients complaining from retinochoroditis. Ocular toxoplasmosis should be considered, and more investigations are needed.

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