
The aim of the present study was to describe co-activity patterns of the striated urethral wall muscle and the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) during contraction of outer pelvic muscles. Six healthy nulliparous physical education students, mean age 19.5 years (19-21) participated in the study. Concentric needle EMG and a Dantec amplifier were used for registrations. EMG activity was continuously recorded with the participants lying in a supine position. EMG was recorded during relaxation, contraction of the PFM, valsalva maneuver, coughing, hip adductor contraction, gluteal muscle contraction, backward tilting of the pelvis, and sit-ups. The procedure was performed with the needle in the striated muscle of the anterior wall of the urethra and then repeated with the needle set lateral to the urethra in the PFM. The results showed that the striated urethral wall muscle was contracted synergistically during PFM, hip adductor, and gluteal muscle contraction, but not during abdominal contraction. Both hip adduction, gluteal muscle, and abdominal muscle contraction gave synergistic contraction of the PFM. Thus the urethral wall striated muscle and the PFM react differently during abdominal contraction.

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