The new species Nectria alata and N. penicilliferi (Ascomycetes, Hypocreales) and their anamorphs, respectively, Penicillifer bipapillatus sp. nov. and P. macrosporus sp. nov., are described. This is the first connection of Penicillifer species to teleomorphs. The generic concept of Penicillifer is restricted to anamorphs of Nectria species having conidiophores that: 1) are unbranched and monophialidic; 2) bear a terminal penicillus of phialides; or 3) are once- or twice-branched with each branch bearing a terminal penicillus of phialides. Conidia are cylindrical, 1-septate, bipapillate, and joined end to end in chains that ultimately break down, leaving the conidia adherent in slime. Colonies in agar culture produce a diffusing brown pigment. A key to accepted species of Penicillifer is presented, as is a key to genera and species of hyphomycetes that have colorless or lightly colored, mononematous conidiophores and slimy chains of colorless conidia. Two distinctive species ofNectria collected in the American tropics were grown in pure culture from isolated ascospores. Both species produced anamorphs identified as Penicillifer van Emden. These Nectria species and their anamorphs are described below. Taxonomy of Penicillifer is clarified, and its relationship to Nectria is discussed. A key to accepted species of Penicillifer is presented, as is a key to the hyphomycetes known to produce colorless conidia in slimy chains.
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