
Floral nectaries are closely associated with biotic pollination, and the nectar produced by corolla nectaries is generally enclosed in floral structures. Although some Swertia spp. (Gentianaceae), including S. bimaculata, evolved a peculiar form of corolla nectaries (known as “gland patches”) arranged in a conspicuous ring on the rotate corolla and that completely expose their nectar, little is known about the pollination of these plants. Two hypotheses were made concerning the possible effects of gland patches: visual attraction and visitor manipulation. The floral traits, mating system, and insect pollination of S. bimaculata were examined, and the pollination effects of gland patches were evaluated. A comparative study was made using Swertia kouitchensis, a species with fimbriate nectaries. Swertia bimaculata flowers were protandrous, with obvious stamen movement leading to herkogamy in the female phase and to a significant reduction in nectary–anther distance. The species is strongly entomophilous and facultatively xenogamous. The daily reward provided per flower decreased significantly after the male phase. The most effective pollinators were large dipterans, and the visiting proportion of Diptera was significantly higher in S. bimaculata than in S. kouitchensis. Most visitors performed “circling behavior” in S. bimaculata flowers. Removing or blocking the nectaries caused no reduction in visiting frequency but a significant reduction in visit duration, interrupting the circling behavior. The circling behavior was encouraged by nectar abundance and promoted pollen dispersal. Visitor species with small body size had little chance to contact the anthers or stigma, revealing a filtration effect exerted by the floral design. These results rejected the “visual attraction” hypothesis and supported the “visitor manipulation” hypothesis. The nectary whorl within a flower acted like a ring‐shaped track that urged nectar foragers to circle on the corolla, making pollination in S. bimaculata flowers more orderly and selective than that in classically generalist flowers.

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