
The transobturator sling procedure (TVT-O) was developed to minimize surgical risks involved in treating genuine stress incontinence. All data suggest that most risks associated with the retropubic route such as injuries to the bladder, intestines or vessels are practically obsolete with the obturator route. However, severe soft-tissue infections have been reported with this new technique. In this case report, necrotizing fasciitis (NF) developed shortly after a TVT-O procedure. This life-threatening complication required extensive debridements, a diverting colostomy, antibiotics, and eight sessions of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy. We emphasize the importance of a unified interdisciplinary clinical approach in severe NF with rapid progression and systemic toxemia. Primary, aggressive but tissue-saving debridements together with antibiotics are the cornerstones of therapy. HBO therapy can oxygenate infected hypoxic tissues to help marginally viable tissues survive, reduce the inflammatory response, improve leukocyte bacterial oxidative killing capacity, and achieve infection control and healing.

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