
To be recited: Nephthys, hide what is inside (you), protect Hepy who is inside (you) (and) the one venerated with Hepy,6 the Mayor Neby, justified.' The date of the Mayor of Tjaru, Neby, can be established by an inscription at Serabit elKhadim.7 On a rock stela, Neby is represented together with King Tuthmosis IV. The King is making an offering of milk to Hathor. He is followed by a man with a loaf of white bread and a small bird. Above the King is written: The good god Menkheperure, son of Re, Djehutymes-[kha]-kau, endowed with life eternally.' 1 1 wish to acknowledge with gratitude the kindness of Prof. Torgny Save-Soderbergh in discussing this manuscript with me, and in providing me with material, especially from his documentation of the Theban necropolis. From the generosity of Prof. Jean Yoyotte I have also profited very much, being permitted to use material from his wide documentation.

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