
We have obtained reflectivity spectra of the trailing and leading sides of all four Galilean satellites with circular variable filter wheel spectrometers operating in the 0.7- to 5.5-μm spectral interval. These observations were obtained at an altitude of 41,000 ft from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. Features seen in these data include a 2.9-μm band present in the spectra of both sides of Callisto; the well-known 1.5-μm and 2.0-μm combination bands and the previously more poorly defined 3.1-μm fundamental of water ice observed in the spectra of both sides of Europa and Ganymede; and features centered at 1.35 ± 0.1, 2.55 ± 0.1, and 4.05 ± 0.05 μm noted in the spectra of both sides of Io. In an effort to interpret these data, we have compared them with laboratory spectra as well as synthetic spectra constructed with a simple multiple-scattering theory. We attribute the 2.9-μm feature of Callisto's spectra primarily to bound water, with the product of fractional abundance of bound water and mean grain radius in micrometers equaling approximately 3.5 × 10 −1 for both sides of the satellite. The fractional amounts of water ice cover on the trailing side of Ganymede, its leading side, and the leading side of Europa were found to be 50 ± 15, 65 ± 15, and 85% or greater, respectively. The bare ground areas on Ganymede have reflectivity properties in the 0.7- to 2.5-μm spectral region comparable to those of Callisto's surface and also have significant quantities of bound water, as does Callisto. Interpretation of the spectrum for the trailing side of Europa is complicated by magnetospheric particle bombardment which causes a perceptible broadening of strong bands, but the ice cover on this side is probably comparable to that on the leading side. These irradiation effects may be responsible for much of the difference in the visual geometric albedos of the two sides of Europa. Minor, but significant, amounts of ferrous-bearing material (either ferrous salts or alkali feldspars but not olivines or pyroxenes) account for the 1.35-μm feature of Io. The two longer wavelength bands are most likely attributable to nitrate salts. Ferrous salts and nitrates can jointly also account for much of the spectral variation in Io's visible reflectivity, thereby eliminating the need to postulate large quantities of sulfur. The absence of noticeable features near 3-μm wavelength in Io's spectra leads to upper bounds of 10% on the fractional cover of water and ammonia ice and 10 −3 on the relative abundance of bound water and hydroxylated material on Io. The two sides of Io have similar compositions. We suggest that the systematic increase in fractional water ice cover from Callisto to Ganymede to Europa is bought about by variations in efficiencies of recoating the satellite's surface by interior water brought to the surface, and by the deposition of extrinsic dust. The most important component of the latter is debris, derived from the outer irregular satellites of Jupiter, which impacts the Galilean satellites at relatively low velocities. Europa has the largest water ice cover because its crust is thinnest and thus the frequency of water recoating is the greatest, and because it is farthest from the sources of low-velocity dust. While models which depict Io's surface as consisting primarily of very fine-grained ice are no longer viable, we are unable to definitively distinguish between the salt assemblage and alkali feldspar models. The salt model can better account for Io's reflectivity spectrum from 0.3 to 5 μm, but the absence of appreciable quantities of bound water and hydroxylated material may not be readily understood within the context of that model.

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