
view Abstract Citations (72) References (17) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Near-Infrared Observations of the HH 46/47 System Eisloffel, Jochen ; Davis, Chris J. ; Ray, Thomas P. ; Mundt, Reinhard Abstract We report here on molecular hydrogen (H2 2.12 micron), (Fe II) (1.64 micron), as well as broad-band K imaging of the bipolar Herbig-Haro (HH) outflow HH 46/47. In contrast to the optical images (e.g., (SII) wavelengths 6716, 6731), a wealth of detail is seen in the counterflow direction southwest of the HH 46/47 source (IRS). The optical object HH 47C is perceived to be the apex of an extensive bow shock in H2, which can be traced over more than 1 min, and the counterjet is observed in unprecedented detail. The flow direction northeast of the source is relatively devoid of H2 emission, presumably because this portion of the outflow is moving out of the Bok globule. Nevertheless, a few H2 knots have been detected in the HH 46 region, and we also have discovered a linear feature parallel to the HH 47A jet and offset by 4 sec to the northwest, which may be the northern boundary of its bow shock. HH 47A itself is also found to be associated with H2 emission. HH 47A and several fainter knots along its jet are observed in (Fe II) (1.64 micron), as well as a bright knot at the base of the optical counterjet. The HH 46/47 source can be seen directly in our near-infrared images. In line with recent models, it is shown that the redshifted molecular outflow in this region is almost certainly entrained ambient gas in the HH 47C bow shock. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: February 1994 DOI: 10.1086/187220 Bibcode: 1994ApJ...422L..91E Keywords: Herbig-Haro Objects; Interstellar Matter; Near Infrared Radiation; Stellar Mass Ejection; H Lines; K Lines; Kinematics; Red Shift; Shock Waves; Astrophysics; ISM: JETS AND OUTFLOWS; ISM: KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS; STARS: MASS LOSS full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (8)

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