
In the present work, we develop the propagation channel modeling for point-to-point (PtP) communication network between devices using LoRa technology within an archaeological park in Cusco, Peru, at 920 MHz, due to the propagation model is an essential component in the design and deployment of the wireless sensor network (WSN). The signal indicator received from the nodes is obtained, while the transmitter moves at a constant speed in different linear routes, under three outstanding environments of the archaeological park, being the CAPELLANPAMPA esplanade, the Inca walls, and the WATAYCARCEL platforms. By means of an exhaustive analysis of the influence of different heights of the receiving antenna and the factors of each terrain, the use of the moving average filter with a window length of \(40\lambda\) is determined in order to separate the fades, then interpolate the average received power during the deployment of the PtP network within each scenario. This study emphasizes what happened within the scenarios trying to explain each one through the models developed. Each model is validated and chosen based on the value of the correlation coefficient between the measured data and the developed model.KeywordsLoRaReceived powerChannel modelArchaeological park

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