
The measurement of X-ray absorption fine structure of metals- both in the extended region (EXAFS) as well as in the near edge region (XANES)-has been widely discussed (see refs 1-6 for Cu and refs 7-9 for Mn). The recent availability of intense X-ray fluxes from storage rings has usually been exploited for EXAFS leaving the XANES often with poorer resolution than earlier work performed on conventional sources (for example, compare the near edge structure for copper in ref. 1 with refs 3 or 6). In addition, whilst the theory and analysis of EXAFS is relatively well-established2,10, a theory for the strong scattering regime near to the absorption edge has only recently been developed11. We report here the first high resolution XANES spectra for Cu and Mn which were performed at the SRS storage ring at Daresbury. Although both metals have close-packed structures consisting of atoms of similar size their local atomic structure is different in detail. Significant differences are found in their respective XANES reflecting the senstivity of this region of the X-ray absorption fine structure to the local atomic structure. Spectra for the two metals have been analysed using the new multiple scattering formalism. This is a real space calculation and unlike a conventional band structure approach it does not require structural periodicity but works from the local arrangement of atoms.

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