
The recommendation system is very popular nowadays. Recommendation system emerged over the last decade for better findings of things over the internet. Most websites use a recommendation system for tracking and finding items by the user's behavior and preferences. Netflix, Amazon, LinkedIn, Pandora etc. platform gets 60%-70% views results from recommendation. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a recommendation system for local stores where the user gets a nearby relevant recommended item based on the rating of other local users. There are various types of recommendation systems one is User-based collaborative filtering by which the system built upon and uses user's past behavior like ratings and gives similar results made by another user. In collaborative filtering uses Euclidean distance algorithm is used to find the user's rate score to make relations with other users and Euclidean distance similarity score distinguish similarity between users. K-nearest neighbor algorithm is used to implement and find the number of users like new user where K is several similar users. Integrate with map interface to find shortest distances among stores whose product are recommended. The dataset of JSON is used to parse through the algorithm. The result shows a better approach towards the recommendation of products among local stores within a region.

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