
We consider a sample of 412 galaxies with radial velocities $V_{\rm LG} < 2500$ km s$^{-1}$ situated in the sky region of ${\rm RA}=13^h\hspace{-0.4em}.\,0$ ... $19^h\hspace{-0.4em}.\,0$, ${\rm Dec}=+10^{\circ}$ ... $+40^{\circ}$ between the Local Void and the Supergalactic plane. One hundred and eighty-one of them have individual distance estimates. Peculiar velocities of the galaxies as a function of Supergalactic latitude SGB show signs of Virgocentric infall at $SGB < 10^{\circ}$ and motion from the Local Void at $SGB > 60^{\circ}$. A half of the Hercules-Bootes galaxies belong to 17 groups and 29 pairs, with the richest group around NGC5353. A typical group is characterized by the velocity dispersion of $67$ km s$^{-1}$, the harmonic radius of $182$ kpc, the stellar mass of $4.3 \times10^{10} M_{\odot}$ and the virial-to-stellar mass ratio of $32$. The binary galaxies have the mean radial velocity difference of $37$ km s$^{-1}$, the projected separation of $96$ kpc, the mean integral stellar mass of $2.6\times 10^9 M_{\odot}$ and the mean virial-to-stellar mass ratio of about $8$. The total dark-matter-to-stellar mass ratio in the considered sky region amounts to $37$ being almost the same as that in the Local Volume.

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