
Users of current computer Visual Display Terminals (VDT) frequently complain of eye dryness, ocular surface redness, eye itching, burning, irritation, sandiness, headache, glare, neck pain, fatigue and tiredness. 1-6 These same users do not feel these symptoms when reading a book. In this study we examine different positional changes of the eyes and head during both plesiovision, i.e., downward gazing near vision, and horizontal near vision. As VDT occupy a large volume of space, they are generally placed on office tables in a vertical position, obliging the users to look at them horizontally. This study presents the positional changes of the eyes when focusing from a distance (teleopsis) with the eyes in a horizontal position, when focusing near (plesiopsis) with the eyes gazing downward, and when focusing near with the eyes in a horizontal position.

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