
Near real-time monitoring of seismic events and status of portable 16-bit digital recorders has been established for arrays near Parkfield, Mammoth Lakes, and San Francisco, California. This monitoring system provides near real-time seismic event identification (rough location and magnitude) and a cost- effective means to maintain arrays at near 100% operational level. Principal objectives in the design of this system have been portability and low-cost te- lemetry. The system has been developed to use portable digital seismic recorders (GEOS--General Earthquake Observation System) and portable data collection platforms (DCP's) for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) telemetry system. Data are transferred asynchronously from the GEOS seismic system through a microprocessor-controlled interface every 10 min. The interface stores, determines priority, converts, and synchronously transfers these data to a Sutron Corp. model 8004 DCP for transmission through the GOES satellite telemetry system. Event parameters include trigger time, peak ampli- tude, time of peak amplitude, and event duration. Instrument configuration pa- rameters, transmitted at system start-up time and every 24 hr, include recording parameters, trigger parameters, GEOS software version, clock reference, and location parameter. Instrument status includes battery voltage, number of events, and percentage of tape usage. These data are transmitted as appropriate to the U.S. Geological Survey satellite downlink and computers located in Menlo Park, California, where they are processed and displayed.

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