
As we transition towards the deployment of data-driven controllers for black-box cyberphysical systems, complying with hard safety constraints becomes a primary concern. Two key aspects should be addressed when input-output data are corrupted by noise: how much uncertainty can one tolerate without compromising safety, and to what extent is the control performance affected? By focusing on finite-horizon constrained linear-quadratic problems, we provide an answer to these questions in terms of the model mismatch incurred during a preliminary identification phase. We propose a control design procedure based on a quasiconvex relaxation of the original robust problem and we prove that, if the uncertainty is sufficiently small, the synthesized controller is safe and near-optimal, in the sense that the suboptimality gap increases <i>linearly</i> with the model mismatch level. Since the proposed method is independent of the specific identification procedure, our analysis holds in combination with state-of-the-art behavioral estimators beyond standard least-squares. The main theoretical results are validated by numerical experiments.

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