
We present a study of the evolved stellar populations in the dwarf spheroidal galaxy Fornax based on JHK imaging photometry. The observations cover an 18.5x18.5 arcmin central area with a mosaic of NTT/SOFI images. Our data sample all the red giant branch for the whole area. Deeeper observations reaching the red clump of helium-burning stars have also been obtained for a 4.5 x 4.5 arcmin region. Near-infrared photometry led to measurements of the distance to Fornax based on the K-band location of the RGB tip and the red clump. Once corrected for the mean age of the stellar populations in the galaxy, the derived distance modulus is 20.74 corresponding to a distance of 141 Kpc, in good agreement with estimates from optical data. By taking age effects into account, we have derived a distribution function of global metallicity [M/H] from optical-infrared colors of individual stars. Our photometric Metallicity Distribution Function covers the range -2.0<[M/H]<-0.6, with a main peak at [M/H]~-0.9 and a long tail of metal-poor stars, and less metal-rich stars than derived by recent spectroscopy. If metallicities from CaII triplet lines are correct, this result confirms a scenario of enhanced metal enrichment in the last 1-4 Gyr.

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